lunedì 20 giugno 2016

Teams guides and explanations!

In the next days we will start posting a guide for each different teams, as well as his required characters and replacement.

The guides will be structured like this:

-Required characters (you can't build that specific team without them)

-The best secondary characters for the team (like +ki boosters, +atk, +def, etc.)

-Replacements, if you don't have the best, of course you can replace them with less good but still performing characters.

-Explanations: links, items, and strategy.

At the end we will establish a Tier list of the teams, and for each new event we will suggest you the best one to use.

I hope you will like this project! Keep following us! Soon we will start with the first guide!

If you have any suggestion, please comment here or in facebook your adivices!

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